Stockcar Racing Live out now on the App Store!

Start your engines an exciting new Stockcar Racing game is on the App Store. Stockcar Live is an all-new multiplayer racing game where you race on a one mile oval against competitor drivers from around the world.

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Experience the thrill of driving an 800 horsepower V8 Stockcar on the iPad, iPhone or iPod touch.

Earn in-game cash that you use to upgrade and tune your car to give you the edge against your opponents.

• Live Multiplayer racing – Race against seven other drivers from around the world.

• Paintshop – Customise your race cars with team colours and racing numbers with in-game cash.

• Upgrades – Engine, tires and chassis increasing your cars performance.

• Advanced Tuning – Allows you to tune and tweak your cars handling.

• Visually stunning 3D graphics and realistic physics.

• Drivers earn in-game cash based on their finishing position. Bonus cash is also calculated each lap round, the higher you place the more you earn.

Stockcar Racing Live runs on most devices however multiplayer mode is not available on iPhone 3GS or iPod Touch 3rd Gen.

Let’s go racing!

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